Wut Changed?
I do notice what's changed about me since the dumping happened. I mean after the initial rage, betrayal, and pain (mostly) subsided. Overall I've found things that bring happiness and purpose in my life that are new or I let slide over the years, but there are also neutral or lingering bad things that's still around after 7 months. I've looked for myself in some old hobbies that I've let go of over the years. I've thought about why I made them a part of my life at some point in time, and why I kinda let them go. I've brought some of them back into my life. I looked at figure skating. I still have my old skates, and now I have the means to pursue it more regularly. I used to only go every so often since I couldn't afford the rink entrance fees. It would still be a fun workout, but I've got another sport I've committed to, so maybe another time. I looked at the portfolios of old art I did over 15-10 years ago, and they still bring a smile to ...